- 軟(ruǎn)件(jiàn)大小:3.19M
- 軟件語言:中文
- 軟件類型:國產軟件(jiàn)
- 軟(ruǎn)件類別:免費軟件 / 升級補丁
- 更新時間:2018-09-06 15:37
- 運行環(huán)境:WinAll, WinXP, Win7, Win8
- 軟件等級:
- 軟件廠商:
- 官方網站:http://www.ynaad.com/
solidworks 2012 win8係統支持補丁是讓solidworks 2012在win8係統(tǒng)下正常運行的一款軟件補丁,有需要的朋友可以綠色資源網下(xià)載使用。
32位係統先運行兩個32位的.reg文件,然後以管(guǎn)理員身份運行SW2010.2012.Activator.SSQ.exe然(rán)後一直確認,出現"All done! Enjoy!"字樣就(jiù)Ok了!!!!
SolidWorks 2010-2011-2012 Activator for Win8
1. 複製文(wén)件夾 "SW2010-2012_Activator_Win8_SSQ" 到(dào) C:/
2. 運行其中一個 .REG文件(jiàn) 注冊(cè) SW 和 SW Simulation-Flow Simulation-Motion 序(xù)列號。
3. 運行 SW2010.2012.Activator.SSQ.exe (以管理員身份運行!)
3.1. For the question "Do you want to delete all activation information related to SolidWorks and reactivate?" click > YES
3.2 For the question "Do you want to activate any version or you just wanted to clean the things up?" click > YES
3.3. For the question "Activate SolidWorks 2012?" click > YES (if you have got SW2012 installed, otherwise click > NO)
3.4. For the question "Activate SolidWorks 2011?" click > YES (if you have got SW2011 installed, otherwise click > NO)
3.3. For the question "Activate SolidWorks 2010?" click > YES (if you have got SW2010 installed, otherwise click > NO)
4. Wait for window "All done! Enjoy!" and click > OK
Cracked by Team-SolidSQUAD (SSQ